Impacting people's everyday lives with CX

Ever had one of those weeks where everything seems to conspire against you? You know, the kind where honey ends up all over your computer, every traffic light turns red, and something always seems to break? And just when you think it can't get any worse, you check your bank account to find it dwindling due to an unexpected subscription charge? That last straw can truly test your patience.

Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us, and we recently had a customer who experienced something similar. Their fridge broke down, leaving them with no choice but to use their hard-earned money for repairs. (Imagine the irony of a meat subscription showing up when your freezer is on the fritz!) When they reached out to our customer support team, we knew we had to make things right.

We extended our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience and promptly adjusted their subscription to accommodate their situation. Recognizing their loyalty as valued customers, we wanted to go the extra mile for them.

When the time came for their next subscription delivery, we decided to brighten their day a bit. We included some additional products for them to explore and enjoy. Our goal was to be a source of positivity in their life, especially during a month that had already been quite challenging.

In the end, it's these personalized experiences that leave a lasting impression. Even as a company with thousands of customers, we believe in remembering and caring about each individual. It's about making a difference, one customer at a time.


Personalized Bios + Humanizing CX